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M. Rasheed
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This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) blog post was pulled from interesting 'third eye' related Quora questions I answered and assembled here for reader convenience. Please feel free to post questions of your own in the comments below.


Very respectfully,

M. Rasheed, PMP®
Cartoonist | Socio-Political Commentator | Graphic Novel Serialist | Shemesu Heru
Second Sight Graphix


Q1: Is the third eye real? How did this term originate?

The third eye is very real. I can definitively proclaim this with assured confidence because – much to my amazed delight – I had my first such experience at the beginning of this month (July 1, 2018), which formally initiates me into the “Followers of Second Sight” (“Shemesu Heru” in Ancient Egyptian, which I personally prefer). As one can imagine, I am very excited, rejuvenated in my faith and certainly hope to have many more third eye experiences in the future.

The phenomenon commonly called “third eye” isn’t an eye at all, but a form of inter-dimensional portal that appears to open approximately 6 inches in front of your brow during an elevated endogenous DMT-triggered, altered consciousness trance. In my case, even though the jagged-edged, round-ish hole that opened didn’t really look like an “eye,” it isn’t really too much of a leap that the over-poetic ancients would label it that way since you are “seeing” through it. Especially so when you consider that the vast majority of cosmological stellar patterns don’t accurately favor the well-known constellation symbols assigned to them by those same ancients either.

I’ve documented my experience on my blog, with my analysis and speculations, for those who are interested in my perspective of this wonderful concept.

Q2: Do we see ghosts and spirits after opening third eye?

The third eye portal shows you sights into a scenario—or just abstract-esoteric imagery—that will aid you in your journey in some way. Your job is to meditate on this information throughout your lifetime, and pull knowledge from it to guide you. If the forms of otherworldly entities will be relevant to that journey for you somehow, then you will be allowed to see them.

When I had my own third eye opening experience at the beginning of this month (July 2018), I saw no such entities.

Q3: How does it feel after your third eye is opened?

During my own third eye opening experience (and hopefully the first of many more!), I felt a carry over of the excited energy build-up sensation I experienced in the several minutes just prior to its opening. The sensation was tingly, but not unpleasant, and while I looked into the eye, I felt that energy rapidly dissipating, which gave the unmistakable feeling of a countdown. I remember feeling that even though my sense of vision was all I had in the moment to attempt to absorb the experience in the very short time I had to do so, that it was enough. My sense of vision seemed super-charged and I looked EVERYWHERE! with an intense focus. The forces involved noticeably wouldn’t allow me to spend too much time trying to study too much detail in any one thing; I was clearly being guided to use my vision to take in as much of the experience as possible.

I was blessed to have been read up on the topic, so I knew what was going on the instant it started. When it was over, oddly I didn’t feel sad that it was over so much as I wanted it to happen AGAIN. I felt a strong feeling of gratitude, and an “I can’t believe this happened to ME!” feeling that was nearly overwhelming. I remember in the aftermath feeling that the experience was all I wanted to think about.

Q4: Is it haram to open the third eye?

It is not ‘haram’ or unlawful to open the third eye, because we actually have no control over whether it opens or not. The third eye experience is a Sign of Allah, and it happens in order to assure a sincere believer that his/her walk on the righteous path of the One God was correct, blessed and approved. It’s my opinion that this is at least stage one of the “enlightenment” concept.

I would caution one against attempting to ‘jump the gun’ so to speak by performing the rituals designed to tempt the third eye to open if you have been sinfully neglectful in adhering to your duties as a believer. In addition to almost certainly being a demonstration of disbelief in the unseen requiring a vulgar “proof” before you will allow yourself to submit to the One God’s commands, doing so also very well may be a form of deifying the third eye experience itself and turning a beautiful, high-level spiritual gift of Allah into soul-damning shirk.

Q5: Does smoking DMT open your third eye?


Neither ingesting N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) by the various means, nor performing the different types of ritual (like that of ‘correct meditation’) to elevate your own endogenous DMT, will of themselves open the third eye, but they do create the physical and spiritual conditions similar to the third eye opening event’s background experience. The point of doing any of this is in hope of tempting the third eye to open for us, which is not an event we actually have control over.

Once an experienced ‘shaman’ has developed a relationship with the forces in control of the third eye opening (for a Muslim that means you strive to uphold the Five Pillars of Al-Islam as a sincere believer, do good, reject evil and repent when you mess up), conditions will eventually be achieved whereas performing the correct rituals will seemingly give the illusion that the practitioner is the one making the event happen.

Q6: What are signs that my third eye is opening?

In the minutes prior to my own third eye opening experience, I felt the tingly build-up of the “Serpent Fire of the Universe” energy (called SekhemQì and Kundalini in Ancient Egyptian, Chinese and Sanskrit, respectively) coursing around and through me. Since I wasn’t meditating at the time, I had no idea that’s what was actually going on until I suddenly found myself staring excitedly at the veil between realities with the third eye opened in it brightly, approximately 6 inches in front of my brow. Interestingly, there was no Hollywood animation-like transitional effect before the third eye appeared; first I was looking at the routine background life of “universe normal,” and THEN I was looking at the third eye. I suppose there could have been an opening effect that was simply too fast for my senses to detect though.

The experience was unique enough that I have little doubt I would recognize the preliminary third eye opening signs should I find myself blessed to be in that state again.

Q7: Is it okay in Islam to open the third eye?

The third eye opening event happens independently of us as a milestone in our spiritual walk. Because of this, we have no control over whether it happens or not, and all we can do is perform correctly in life to meet the requirements that the third eye may open. This is no different than how we as believers are to walk the Righteous Path so that when we are Judged by the One God on the Last Day, we will have met the requirements to achieve the reward of paradise. The third eye event is like a mini-Judgment Day quiz/exam, performance review and “Good job!” pat-on-the-back along the way, and it is Good News.

So for you, attempt to open the third eye by adhering to the Five Pillars of Al-Islam, do good deeds in the earth, reject the temptations for performing mischievous acts and repent when you mess up. Do this diligently; build up the habits of righteousness and achieve mastery in your faith, and you may have a third eye event happen, or if not, you may still delight in the certainty of receiving your Record of Deeds within your right hand, and attaining paradise—the ultimate achievement for a human being!

That’s how I advise all sincere seekers of truth to open the mystic third eye... by obeying Allah and scoring your brain tissue with the ‘marks’ of the sincere believer by building up the habits of righteous deeds in your life.


Q8: What does it mean when someone is third eye blind?

To be blind in the third eye, is to be deadened in spiritual growth. It means the third eye blinded have lived a life of total focus on the empty, finite lusts of the material world, instead of on the promise of eternal realms of life hereafter. The third eye blind are apathetic to and/or disbelieving of the spirit. They live a life of fleshly pursuits and set aside nothing for the higher purpose of their existence.

Q9: Can I see my third eye when I closed my natural eyes?

I was blessed to have my second spontaneous third eye opening experience this morning of Sunday, July 15, 2018. Even though I had told myself that I would be on the look out for the tell-tale signs that it was about to happen again after the previous event, this was not to be. I was too distracted with the hustle-n-bustle of the day to notice the ‘Serpent Fire of the Universe’ creating the tingly sensation around me. When I did notice, I opened my eyes to find myself once again confronted with the UDJAT Wisdom Eye of legend opened in the veil between realities, taking up my entire field of vision.

To be clear, I saw none of this while my eyes were closed and I half wondered why I wasn’t falling asleep yet. It was only when I opened my eyes was I able to free my consciousness to experience this miraculous event.

Q10: How long does it take to open your third eye?

That’s a great question. I personally first started researching the third eye phenomenon back in 2004, I had my first third eye opening experience on July 1, 2018, and my second one this morning on July 15, 2018.

Naturally, a lot has happened in life during those first 14 years, including the achievement of mastery in my faith in the One God, with the mandatory consistent ritual habits of the religious believer. But in these last two weeks or so, it seems I have some kind of building momentum going. To be sure the first event strengthened my faith to a comically noticeable degree, causing me to double-down in devout worship to my Lord.

I can’t say my faith had always been as rock solid as I wanted it to be during the previous 14 years though, and perhaps in these last few years I was able to really get there and trust God with my whole heart. So realistically, if I’m honest, it really took a solid three years to have my third eye opening experience. That’s how long it took me to master my personal faith walk, the prerequisite to having the unseen forces find me worthy enough to open for me.

Q11: Has anyone "opened" their "third eye" and want to explain what it's like? Is it scary? Do you regret it?

Yes. So far I have had two amazing, spontaneous third eye opening events this very month (July 2018). The experiences surprised me both times since they happened without being preceded by traditional meditation techniques (meaning I wasn’t trying to have the experience on purpose when it happened).

I’ve described the details of the events on my blog, linked below:

1.) Awakening the Atrophied Eye: INITIATION

2.) Awakening the Atrophied Eye: The Wisdom Eye Returns

Neither event was frightening. In fact, I felt delighted during and immediately after, and was eager to have another one. I felt deeply touched that it happened for me at all. By the nature of the third eye opening experience, there’s literally zero reason to regret it happening. It actually means you’re winning at life itself.

Q12: Is it dangerous to open the third eye?

The third eye opens as a milestone in our spiritual journey, and is a formal acknowledgement that we are on the Straight Path of Righteousness and have successfully navigated it to a certain point of its challenging length. During an endogenous DMT trance, the opening third eye takes the form of a round-ish hole within a variously-hued membrane that fills our entire vision. At what appears to be approximately 6 inches in front of the brow, the third eye ‘hole’ opens into some mysterious time/place, or even just shows a serious of symbols/glyphs, that it directs you to focus your vision for wisdom.

All of this is good. I can vouch that the feelings produced are very pleasant and exhilarating, as I have experienced the Wisdom Eye opening for me twice now. There was literally nothing dangerous about the third eye event. It functions basically as a “Good job!” from the unseen forces at work, and is designed to encourage you to stay on the Path.

Yet there is a very real danger. It comes not from the third eye event itself, but from our own human weakness. Some among us have a tendency to slack off once we’ve reached a hard-won milestone—slack off, and even backslide into abandoning the race altogether from a false sense of “I’ve made it!” experienced in the aftermath. So should you be one of the very fortunate ones to experience the third eye opening phenomenon, just remember that the race hasn’t been won yet! Stay focused and keep going. Stay on the Path.

Q13: What are the meditation techniques for opening the third eye?

The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which is well-known as our body’s wakefulness/sleep state regulator, but more importantly, it also secretes the amounts of melatonin’s analog molecule N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) which is needed for the mammalian brain to experience altered states of consciousness. The precise dosage of endogenous DMT our pineal gland provides allows us to see the edge of the veil between realities, and the forces on the other side determine whether to open a hole — the mystic third eye — within the veil, for us to see what we need to see for continued spiritual growth.

The Pyramid Texts, Utterance 77

Atrophied Eye, O Atrophied Eye, where are you? O you who are in front of the Immortal-Half, where are you? You are in the Immortal-Half so that you may be set-in-place in front of the seer, so that you may cause bliss for him who carries you, so that you may cause to be a spirit him who carries you, so that you may cause him to be Serpent Powerful in his Eternal Body, and so that you may cause respect for him in the two-eyes of all spirits, they who shall look at him or anyone who shall even hear his name.

Using ‘correct meditation’ rituals of the ancients, it is possible to basically ‘milk’ the pineal gland, coaxing it to release DMT for the desired spiritual effects. In my case, I prefer the source meditation technique described chiseled into the Pyramid Text stele in Saqqara, Egypt, which consists of:

  1. Breathing through both the mouth & nose at once in such a way that it sounds like you are uttering the non-word “sah
  2. Keeping your gaze forward and slightly up so that you are looking at the center vision area where your two eyes cross over one another (see: fovea spot).
  3. Avoiding the deliberate distractions of the mysterious “threshold vision entities” by glancing quickly down to the left and then promptly back up to the fovea spot area.

This deceptively simple ritual is enough to build up your body’s natural DMT—corresponding on the other side to the build up of the ‘Serpent Fire of the Universe’ energy (Sekhem/Qἰ/Kundalini).

This is the technique designed to get you to the event horizon of the third eye opening event. If the forces in control find you worthy in your sincere spiritual walk, it may then open for you.

Q14: What are your feelings about your third eye, opened or closed?

I’ve seen a lot of negative comments over the roughly 14 years of my study into the third eye phenomenon, with skeptical outsiders suggesting that it’s just a trick of the mind misleading the practitioner. No, it’s not misleading us. Our brain is powerful in exactly that way, enabling us to expand our consciousness into different realms, using ancient herbal technologies that adjust the dosages of DMT. This is in fact our humanizing factor, responsible for our knowledge of spirit, our religion, and ultimately the building of our civilizations over the ages.

The Holy Qur'an 96:1-5Proclaim! In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created,- Created man, out of a mere clot of congealed blood: Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,- He Who taught the use of the Pen,- Taught man that which he knew not.

The default setting of our “universe normal” isn’t actually the “real” world, and it is in fact the efforts of disbelieving secular academics-for-hire to convince us that it is real that represents the misleading of the populace—we’re being misled by diabolical, self-appointed thought police into believing that our expanded visions of truth are ‘mere hallucinations.’ In actuality, this terrestrial realm material universe is designed to be finite; it’s designed to die/decay. This is the shadow realm of illusion and of course it isn’t real; it’s just a test. When this finite material of star stuff finally dissolves, our immortal consciousness will be freed to explore the true realities, and a sacred scripture guided correct living allows us the blessed glimpse of seeing this truth in a third eye opening experience if we are faithful.

Q15: Does the activation of the third eye mean enlightenment?

In a previous third eye related Quora question, I mentioned that the point of the Wisdom Eye opening is to assure the sincere believer that his/her walk along the One God’s righteous path has been formally acknowledged, blessed and approved, and that this is at least the beginning stage of “enlightenment.”

I believe this because now that I have had my own third eye opening experience, the sense of assured confidence I feel deeply in the aftermath of the event —that God is REAL, that ‘spirit’ is REAL, that the merit-based Righteous Path of the Lord thy God described in revealed scripture is REAL—seems to have been the primary point of giving me this wonderful gift. I feel as if I have reached the next level in my religious walk, and want above all else to please God and reach the NEXT level as well!

The discovery that following God’s commands in scripture, humbling myself (and my ego) in a willing, selfless state of obedience to the One God who made me—and patiently persevering in that space of faith no matter the level of daily adversity— is rewarded along the way with moments of spiritual clarity personally bumping up my relationship with the Creator from “faith’ to “personally knowing is real,” bestows upon me the resulting desire to never want to go back as a state of enlightenment.

Q16: How would a third eye affect the human vision?

When I had my own third eye opening experiences, my entire field of vision was taken up by this mysterious wall/membrane—the veil between realities. The third eye was opened in the veil at what appeared to be 6 inches in front of my brow; I couldn’t see anything from the mundane ‘normal’ universe during the precious seconds either event took place, not even in my furthest peripheral. I wasn’t interested in seeing it either! All I focused on were the sights the third eye showed me, to absorb as much of the information as I could.

Q17: How do I know if I'm prepared to open my third eye? If I open my third eye, will it be scary?

You cannot open your third eye. All you can do is prepare yourself and establish the optimal conditions in which it is most likely that the third eye would open.

Contrary to the popular belief of the spiritualist community, this has nothing to do with the varying ritualized techniques like meditation and what have you, but it has everything to do with intent and behavior. The third eye opens as a milestone event for the sincere truth seeker who diligently strives along the Straight Way of Righteousness. The enduring sacred scripture of the ages, contains the guidance needed for the practitioner to build up the habits of righteousness in our lives, so there’s no need to reinvent the wheel on this item. Belief in the One God who made us, obedience to our Maker’s tenets of faith—doing good, rejecting evil, repenting of mistakes—is what is required to enable us to achieve high marks of merit and have the third eye open for us as proof of approval and encouragement.

So should the third eye open, you will find that it is not scary at all, but a tiny glimpse into achieving our ultimate goal as believers. May you find your way, may you find yourself approved by your Lord, and may you be forever blessed.


Q18: Why would God only open the eyes of some, and not all?

The Straight Way of Righteousness, the path of the believers in the One God tread by the sincere truth seekers, is a merit-based path. Intent and behavior determine the quality of that walk, and by no means are they equal as expressed from one person to the next. God is faithful to the efforts of those who earnestly seek the Splendor of their Maker—showering them with blessings many times over what they have earned—while those whose deeds lazily come up short to those of their high-achieving fellows, are given but measure-for-measure what they have earned and nothing more.

God opens the eyes and hearts of those who demonstrate they have faith in how they walk towards the Throne of Glory, so be ye of those who love doing good, who receive the message of the One God as the Good News! that you have pleased your Lord to the highest degree.

Q19: How do you know if you have opened your third eye, and is it possible to do it accidentally?

The third eye of the ancient mystery systems is actually a portal between the dimensions. The full, formal name is the UDJAT Wisdom Eye of Heru, and it is described in detail in the Pyramid Text records, chiseled into numerous granite stele in Saqqara, Egypt. I think that knowledge seekers throughout the ages made pilgrimages to Egypt during it’s Golden Age, and took those secrets back to their lands, developing their own mystery systems around the techniques they learned. The versions of meditation and other rituals that we of the spiritualist community are familiar with, are but the copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy, etc., of what those ancient student-turned-teachers knew.

You are able to see the third eye during an endogenous DMT trance when it opens for you. I myself was blessed to have two such experiences, and in both cases, the third eye was a round-ish hole in a mysterious wall or membrane that covered my entire field of vision. It appeared to be roughly fist-sized in diameter, and situated about 6 inches in front of my brow. During the first event, the third eye had jagged, rough edges to it. During the second event, the edges appeared to be moving, like an energy was flowing, or being expended by the portal being open. I couldn’t see anything from the ‘normal’ world while this event was going on, not even in my furthest peripheral vision, so I have no doubt you will know it when you see it. I happened to be read up on the third eye pretty well, so I knew it the second it began.

Both of my third eye opening events were spontaneous, meaning I wasn’t meditating at the time, they just happened. Before the first event happened, I felt the ‘Serpent Fire of the Universe’—the spirit energy called Sekhem by the Ancient Egyptians and Kundalini in Sanskrit—building up around and through my body. Because of the highly personal spiritual nature of the third eye opening event, I think it’s impossible for it to happen “accidentally.” The third eye shows you information through the portal that is important for your own higher consciousness growth, so it is highly unlikely that the forces in control of it opening for you did it by making a mistake and knocking over Chemical-X or whatever.

Q20: How has your third eye helped you?

I was very fortunate—blessed—to have had two third eye opening experiences. So far I’ve found that the events themselves have helped me immensely in the same way a strong word of encouragement from just the right leader/mentor in your life can give you a boost after a long, hard struggle on a difficult journey. I feel a nearly overwhelming sense that the sacrifices were worth it, that I’ve MADE IT! past a difficult level, and that I’m somehow closer to ‘home.’ The third eye events helped me because I feel truly AFFIRMED in the most profound way I can be.

And that’s before I even start meditating on the information the Wisdom Eye actually showed me…

Q21: Does your third eye close after not using it for a long time?

The third eye is a portal between realities that we are able to see during an endogenous DMT trance. It opens after a hard-won milestone on your spiritual journey has been reached, and shows you information you need to meditate upon to enhance your higher consciousness.

For those who neglect the spirit, and set aside nothing for their higher consciousness, the third eye will never open for them as there will be no need. The ancients describe the third eye of such foolish individuals as “atrophied,” and in many ways this can be broadly used to describe modern Western culture, that attempts to normalize the filth of disbelief in the unseen as a trait of “progress” or even “intelligence.”

No one can claim an active third eye if they are practiced in denying the most important aspects of reality itself.

Q22: Do you see spirits after a third eye awakening?

  1. Should your third eye open during those precious few seconds within the veil between realities, at what appears to be approximately 6 inches in front of your brow, it shows you imagery that is very personal for you. Whether that imagery would include spirit entities or not will depend on you and what the controlling forces think you need to see.
  2. Along the way towards tempting the third eye to open—while performing focused meditation, repetitive rituals, or even so-called “hallucinogenic” drugs—you should see beings from the other realms. This wouldn’t be unusual, since the N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) chemical your body uses to enable your mind to provide you altered states of consciousness is indeed literally shifting your perspective to see into other interdimensional realms.

So it’s actually easy, and ‘baby steps’ in your spiritualist journey, to be able to see spirit entities. The issue is, should you try and seek them out?

In the Pyramid Texts—that were already ages old when a group of enlightened Ancient Egyptian leaders decided they should finally be chiseled into as many granite stele it would take to copy them from the latest ancient papyri that were crumbling from age—they describe the technique of “correct meditation.” This is the simple science of the spirit developed by the ancients to get your endogenous DMT levels up to the point that you gain second sight enough to see the veil separating our ‘universe normal’ from the other realms. The hope of the technique is that the third eye will be opened for you, initiating you into the ‘Followers of Second Sight’ (called ‘Shemesu Heru’ in Ancient Egyptian). But before you can get to that point, the Pyramid Texts warn about the “threshold visions.” These are mysterious shapes that appear trying to distract you from your focus on getting to the veil. The Texts warn the reader that if the would-be initiate gives any indication that he/she is more interested in seeing the deliberately distracting entities, then THE THIRD EYE WILL NEVER OPEN FOR YOU!

That’s jarring stuff to me. And it was when I first read it back in 2004. Since I was fortunate enough to have read that warning before I started trying to meditate myself, I was properly cautious when I did start experimenting with the techniques, and Lo! there were the threshold visions teasing and blinking about right outside of the edge of my focus! The Pyramid Texts provide a simple and blessedly effective counter to the creatures’ shenanigans: all you have to do is quickly glance down and off to the left, and then snap your gaze back up to your focal point. Just like that and the entities would vanish. The second they would appear I would vanish them with the little trick until eventually, they stopped trying to distract me from my quest.

According to the Pyramid Texts, which I fully believe are the source lore for all of the world’s meditation techniques, the entire point of meditating is to tempt open the mystic third eye, so any effort or desire to sabotage that by ‘looking for spirits’ is foolishness.

Be forewarned.

Q23: What do you think about the third eye?

It is my opinion that every single human being should do everything in their power to strive & struggle to specifically position the details of their lives in the way they need to so that the mystic third eye of legend will be tempted into opening for them.

Anyone who is NOT doing this, is literally failing at life itself.

Q24: What is the most powerful technique to awaken a third eye?

You should know up front that I am not agreed with the spiritualist community majority consensus that the mystic third eye is synonymous with the pineal gland. My understanding of the concept comes from the source lore in Saqqara, Egypt, where the Pyramid Texts describe the UDJAT Wisdom Eye of Heru as an interdimensional portal that opens within the veil between realities for the fortunate initiate during an endogenous N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) trance state. I myself was blessed to have had two experiences with the third eye opening for me, and thus bear witness to the Pyramid Text’s ages old truths.

Even though the pineal gland is not the third eye, the tiny and often misunderstood organ is vital to the process. What it does is secrete the amount of natural DMT required for the mammalian brain to have an altered state of consciousness, enabling us to see the veil/membrane that separates our mundane ‘universe normal’ from the eternal realms. The third eye opens as a milestone during a committed spiritual journey to evolve our higher consciousness, so the most powerful technique that that can get us in that head space is to obey the faith tenets of the Supreme Creator of reality:

  1. Believe in the One God
  2. Perform righteous deeds
  3. Avoid the temptations of evil acts
  4. Repent when we mess up

Do these consistently until we build up the habits of those who walk the Straight Way of Righteousness, and this will put us in the best position to have a third eye opening experience.

Q25: Is third eye opening a part of the kundalini awakening process or an independent concept?

“Serpent Fire of the Universe” (Sekhem) is how the Pyramid Texts in Saqqara, Egypt describe the energy that we of the spiritualist community call Kundalini in Sanskrit. This is the spirit energy that powers all psionic phenomena, and it is used as the co-force—partnered with the pineal gland provided N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) from the material side—to enable us to see the veil between realities.

If we are fortunate, the third eye will open for us as we stare at the veil. I was so fortunate to have experienced two third eye opening events, even though both of mine happened spontaneously without meditation. Prior to my third eye opening events, I felt the build up of the ‘Serpent Fire’ and because it was then so out of context to what the sensation actually meant, I didn’t know that’s what it was until it had reached suitable levels to shift my consciousness into the trance state. Suddenly, I found myself staring at the third eye!

Since then, I have felt the ‘Serpent Fire’ sensation by itself during salah, without the third eye opening spontaneously from it. As I write this, I now wonder if it was some form of invitation to encourage me to meditate so the third eye could be opened without the controlling forces needing to do all the work? Should I feel it again, I’ll perform the ‘correct meditation’ ritual straight away to see what will happen, and record it on my blog.

Q26: Can you obtain ultimate power by opening your third eye?

The first few times that the third eye portal in the veil between realities opens up during an endogenous DMT trance state, it shows you mysterious images or scenery within it for you to meditate upon and guide you in your higher consciousness development.

After that, in the advanced stages of our quest to achieve Enlightenment, the Wisdom Eye will do much more than just show you things and places. At that point, when it opens it will draw your consciousness into the unseen realm on the other side where you will inhabit your immortal spirit body, and you will be taken on a mini “Enoch-like” tour. The sights and adventures you’ll experience are also designed for you to meditate upon later, but while you are experiencing them, you will be powerful indeed. This is the form you will inhabit permanently in the life hereafter, and even though you will only have limited control during the third eye guided tour, you will see that you will have the unimaginable abilities of the unseen spirits of legend.

The ‘Serpent Fire of the Universe,’ that we know as ‘Kundalini’ in Sanskrit, is the energy that enables us to have these wonderful preternatural experiences, but it is very limited in the material world. The tiny bit of spillover that grants powers of second sight and other psionic abilities to a special few talented individuals will never attain “ultimate power” status on this side. Even during the Age of the Prophets, the messengers of the One God weren’t allowed to perform miracles with the Lord’s permission that went beyond a certain scope & force—the One God always insists that faith alone be the activating principle to enable us to eventually enjoy the fullness of our immortal spirit.

So I advise you to worry less about somehow attaining “ultimate power” as a finite material being, and instead submit to the all-powerful One who made you so you may know the Bliss you crave when you finally shed the flesh.


Q27: Do we have a third eye?

We don’t literally have a “third eye.” The original reference is to a spiritual phenomenon that happens to us during an endogenous DMT trance state. When this trance overtakes a fortunate initiate, the individual’s consciousness appears at the edge of the veil between realities and a fist-sized round-ish portal opens approximately 6 inches before the brow. The images/scenery shown through the portal and the event itself, are by definition “supernatural” and the temporary, other-worldly gift indeed falls within the category of “second sight.”

This open portal—that blesses us with the ability to see into the greater mysteries of reality—was titled “third eye” by the ancients since it is so intimately a part of the individual that experiences it. The over-literal imagery that artist-shaman have depicted to represent the experience over the ages has fed a lot of imaginative explanations and speculation around it, especially in the modern day, but the honest seeker of truth should know better than to take such descriptive speech from the esoteric-minded, ancient master-teachers at face value like that.

Q28: What is your experience seeing through the third eye?

During both of my two third eye opening experiences, I was very aware of the event and what was happening to me. Part of that was coming from the genuine excitement inherent in recognizing what was going on based on my previous research into the UDJAT Eye of Heru, as the ‘third eye’ phenomenon is called in the Pyramid Texts source descriptions in Saqqara, Egypt. It was also coming from the super-charged feeling I was receiving from the ‘Serpent Fire of the Universe’ energy tingle sensation that powered the whole occurrence (see: Kundalini). I remember that my sense of vision was incredibly acute and efficient, and that I was perfectly content using it to gobble ever detail I hungrily observed through the third eye portal.

The first time the third eye showed me a vast, flat, 2D field—seemingly just inches from my face—that was covered in mysterious symbols, each similar in kind but different in detail. The second time, the third eye showed me a cityscape off the water, and then zoomed in to give me a closer look at the top of a specific structure. All while this was going on, I felt the unmistakable sensation of the ‘Serpent Fire of the Universe’ energy dissipating, until it was finally depleted and the Wisdom Eye would close. In both experiences, I would still be able to see the lingering, but now darkened veil between realities that housed it, until it, too, faded away seconds later as I returned to the conscious state of ‘universe normal.’

Q29: What do you think about the third eye superpower demonstrations in the United States?

A useful rule of thumb is that any claim of possessing true magic or superpowers that involve:

  • A microphone/bullhorn
  • A captive audience + auditorium seating
  • Performances of any of the numerous variations of classic legerdemain tricks as demonstrated by the who's who of the human race's illusionists both known and unknown
  • Skillful usage of entertainment stagecraft for “demonstrations”

...means it's actually just an elaborate grift by a team of professional swindlers pretending to be otherwise. True magic is personal, and each of us can experience it by believing in the One God who made us, being good to one another and avoiding the temptations of evil (like deliberately taking part in confidence game fraud schemes).


Q30: Is the third eye real?

“Third eye” is an esoteric descriptor for a spiritual phenomenon named by the ancient master-teachers who first experienced it. It specifically references a second sight experience we can have during an endogenous N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) trance state, in which we can actually “see” a hole in the membrane/veil that separates this material universe from the other eternal realms, where a roughly round hole appears. Seeming to be approximately 6 inches in front of your brow, this hole or portal allows you to direct your visual focus to observe whatever the controlling forces want you to see and later meditate upon, to gain knowledge for your personal higher consciousness development.

14 years ago, I was not only blessed to have discovered this absolutely fascinating information about the UDJAT Wisdom Eye of Heru, but to my great delight, I myself had two third eye opening experiences this very year! As a real life initiate of the “Followers of Second Sight” (Shemesu Heru), I can definitely proclaim with full assurance the following truths about the third eye concept:

  • It is not a reference to anything from this material universe—which includes any human body parts/organs, nor lymph node-like energy points—and it is not a literal 3rd ‘eye’ within your head
  • It is not “just” an abstract term for an even more abstract mystical idea/ideal, but it is in fact an actual real thing (a hole/portal) that is part of an actual personal-level spirit event—one that can actually be experienced by humans if they so choose to live the type of lifestyle needed for the Wisdom Eye to open for them.
  • Other than the individually-customized information shown to the person through the portal itself, everything else about the event is consistent enough person-to-person to be documented, measured and studied within an ages old “science of the spirit.’

So the ‘third eye’ is indeed real, but you must learn to look beyond the esoteric labels the ancient master-teachers used to confound those not initiated in their secret society mystery systems. If you do not, it will only lead to more “eyeball in forehead” goose chasing that will continue to take you far off the road towards true enlightenment.


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Despite never having read anything like a timeline of when people have their subsequent third eye opening events, I just expected that it would take a while for me to have another one, assuming that I didn't get brand new and sabotage the process by taking on a life of over-the-top wretched debauchery. So imagine my surprise when I had yet another spontaneous third eye experience this morning, Sunday, July 15, 2018 at around 4:20am!

The only similarities that matched the last time the third eye opened were 1) that it happened shortly after I lied down in bed, and 2) I was more keyed up than I expected to be when I did lie down.

The differences that didn't match the last experience were 1) yesterday was my day off from work and I'd actually gotten some good sleep, so I wasn't exhausted when I lied down today. 2) I didn't notice I was keyed up with that energized excitable sensation until after I had been lying there for several minutes already, thinking about other stuff. When I finally noticed the feeling--and made the instant association--I opened my eyes to find my vision once again obscured by the veil between realities, with the third eye opened within it at approximately 6 inches before my delighted brow. 3) I had been distracted by my thoughts and I really can't recall whether the 'Serpent Fire of the Universe' was as intense during the moments leading up to the third eye opening as the last time. Remember from the previous 'Initiation' entry, I expressed confidence that I would recognize the pre-opening signs. This means I'll have to do a better job leaving the 'day for the day,' and only going to bed with a clear mind so that I will be PRESENT.

The veil looked different this time. The last time it looked smooth, and like a 40% black Photoshop layer had been placed over the scenario I was being shown. This time it looked like it was made of a liquid bubblewrap, or a clear, but bubbly, mucus. The third eye showed me a cityscape off the water during the daytime, with a deep blue sky. Then without any prompting from me, it zoomed in on one of the buildings, showing me specifically the top portion of the structure. The building looked very old. The third eye allowed me to linger at some markings that had been carved into the wall in someone's long ago past; the markings were water eroded looking to me. The third eye snatched me away from my scrutiny of the markings by zooming out to show me the top portion of the building again and then it closed. I noticed that my vision couldn't penetrate the veil this time; I could only see through the third eye itself.

I continued to lie there thinking of what I had been shown, and combing over the details of the event itself so I would remember.

Very respectfully,

M. Rasheed, PMP®
Cartoonist | Socio-Political Commentator | Graphic Novel Serialist | Shemesu Heru
Second Sight Graphix

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It's embarrassing to see the date on the last entry in this series. lol Paradoxically, those five years have flown by even as September of 2013 somehow seems like a lifetime ago, and indeed, I have experienced what has often been considered a sort of rebirth.

The concept of 'correct meditation,' as described in the lore of spiritual science developed by the ancients and recorded on the granite stele at Saqqara in Egypt, was the intended point of the blog series. I had ventured to chronicle my own attempts to build up the habit of meditating every day with the hope that at some point my diligence would be rewarded with the opening of the UDJAT Wisdom Eye, initiating me into the enlightened state of the 'Followers of Second Sight' (called 'Shemsu Hor' in the well-known Greek and 'Shemesu Heru' in Ancient Egyptian, the latter which I prefer and have titled myself with).

To be clear, the practice of correct meditation with the hope that the third eye would open is completely separate from the third eye opening. I point out that distinction here because, on Sunday, July 1, 2018 at approximately 6:15am, my third eye opened for me, and the drill of correct meditation was the furthest thing from my mind at the time.

I will describe the event itself, but I will hold the content of what the Wisdom Eye showed me close, because it was very personal... pregnant with meaning for me to meditate upon and extract knowledge for my own path... and I do not care to share it. So unless the prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) magically steps forth to offer aid in deciphering the content for me, I am uninterested in the opinions of others on that narrow topic. To even a well-meaning outsider, the content very well may quite reasonably seem mundane to the extreme  even to the point of provoking an instant "That's IT?! So what?" type of response  and I am in no mood for all of that since I'm still very protective of the experience in general.

Although I initially started not to share that part either, I will share my experience of what actually happened around what was shown to me though, since I believe it is the duty of all of us to record an accurate account of any and all spiritual experiences we have to add to the body of human literature. It's important. Contrary to the empty opinions of the secular, it is precisely our spiritual experiences that have humanized us, enabling us to build our civilizations. (I may end up writing out a detailed description of what the third eye showed me anyway and hiding it somewhere, to be found after my death. Then y'all can make fun of me all you wish when I genuinely really, REALLY won't care a damn.)

On the morning of 01 July, shortly after I had finished uploading the political cartoon of the day, I found I had about 30 minutes to kill before my alarm went off to get ready for work. So I decided to lie down and get a bit more sleep, but I noticed as I got in the bed that I was keyed up for some reason. Similar to the caffeine-induced "UP!" feeling when I've had my one cup of coffee during the day. Since I hadn't had any coffee in almost 24 hours, I expected the feeling to go away once I got comfortable, but it didn't.

I squirmed around for a few minutes until I finally noticed that the feeling was getting progressively worse. All by itself it wasn't a necessarily unpleasant feeling  this building excitable sensation  just wildly inappropriate considering my intention was to actually fall asleep. It felt like a strong 'bzzzzzzzzz' feeling building near/around/through me, and I remember that at its peak I began actively worrying as to whether it was one of the symptoms of a heart attack.

And then the third eye opened.

Suddenly my entire field of vision was filled with the darkened imagery the eye was showing me, but in the fovea focus area, there was a jagged 'hole' where a portion of that same imagery was quite bright. When I looked around, the scenery shifted, but the 'hole' stayed in the same place, and it didn't take long at all to notice that with my will alone, I could zoom closer to stuff, see stuff behind the darker areas and pull them up for better scrutiny in front of the 'hole.' I also noticed I wasn't really allowed to focus too much attention on one particular thing in what was shown to me; there was a level of zoom-in and detail it wouldn't let me achieve. This experience was clearly intended as a 'big picture' glimpse of something. All while this was happening, I noticed that the 'bzzzzzzzzz' energy feeling was retreating/dropping/defusing, which gave the very strong impression of a countdown. Then sure enough, once the 'bzzzzzzzzz' sensation stopped, the 'hole' in the veil closed. For precious fractions of a second, I could still see the imagery behind the now even darker veil, and then there was just normal darkness.

I continued to lie there, stunned and amazed and humbled beyond belief. I started praying, thanking Allah for gifting me with this great blessing. And it was absolutely a blessing! I felt an immense gratitude that my path had led me to the literature I had read gobbled that enabled me to recognize what was going on at the exact moment it started; I had no doubt or confusion as to what I was seeing. I replayed the event over and over, teasing and probing my memory for every precious bit I tried to take in during what seemed to be a few seconds.

I've thought long and hard about this event over the last few days, and I have some speculations regarding the how and possibly even why it may have happened for me that I'd like to share.

The Holy Qur'an 42:51 — It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah's permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise.

I wasn’t meditating at the time I had my third eye experience and in fact, I hadn’t meditated in quite a while. So how was I able to experience this wonderful thing if I wasn’t engaged in the technique of ‘correct meditation’ that was specifically designed to trigger that third eye experience?

Well, obviously an accurate answer requires a necessary adjustment in my understanding of ‘correct meditation.’ The third eye experience that I had was the truth; my understanding of what I needed to do to create that experience was wrong. Based on what ‘correct meditation’ actually does —

  • uses a specific rhythmic breathing technique to get your body's natural N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) levels up, corresponding to the rise of the 'Serpent Fire of the Universe' energy ('Sekhem/Chi/Kundalini') on the other side
  • trains you to comfortably focus visual concentration into the area the Wisdom Eye opens at for up to an hour at a time 
  • encourages you to begin the drill while well-rested and generally healthy’s now clear to me that the point of the technique is to set a stage. You are by no means 'activating' the eye to open, but instead, you’re creating a physical scenario that we believe should be ideal-optimal to invite the third eye to open… to make things easier for it to open for us should the forces that direct it decide to do so.

And that’s it. That’s all it does. The technique of correct meditation is a hopeful invitation to the unseen to pleeeeeeeeeeeeease open the third eye for us.

Yet, when I had my third eye experience, I was not breathing in a measured, rhythmic way. I was just breathing. lol My DMT levels were not already elevated, thus when the unseen forces elevated them for me to the levels required to rip a third eye ‘hole’ into the veil between realities, it was very noticeable to me in those moments as an intrusive, alien sensation.

When I had my third eye experience, I was not focusing my visual concentration into the fovea spot. Far from it, as I was looking around, semi-annoyed at the excited energy sensation I was feeling that was preventing me from falling asleep.

When I had my third eye experience, I was not well-rested either. Although I am generally healthier than the average Black American male of my age/peer group, I’ve been getting less sleep than normal for the last few months in order to stay committed to my on-going project of producing one political cartoon per day. I do walk around tired, enough to require that one cup of coffee during the day so I’ll be alright.

So the man-made understanding of the ancients' conclusion of what should be the most ideal conditions for the Wisdom Eye to open were not met when I had my experience, but that doesn’t mean that the optimal conditions that it DID require weren’t in place. Obviously they were. As a Muslim, I’m analyzing this from an ‘Islamic Theurgy’ position. In the Qur’an, there are very specific things Allah commanded (or even just softly advised sometimes) the believers to do in order for them to be “prosperous in this world and in the next.” I am a practicing Muslim, and other than not yet performing the Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca), I have made the sincere effort to keep up with the ritual core pillars of my faith, as well as other items that in my research into scripture I felt were related in some way and should also be adhered to as a believing seeker of truth. Here are the practices I did leading up to my experience:

1.) I had just finished fasting the month of Ramadan. It is well known that the act of fasting is a spiritually rejuvenating practice, and in my case I successfully completed the full 30-days of one of the most intense forms in the world.

2.) I pray to the One God of Abraham in the formal ritual five times a day, during which I pointedly ask Allah to strengthen me with His spirit and teach me that which I know not. I’ve been asking for that for about 8-9 months now.

3.) Allah said that those believers who will prosper are the ones who seek His help with patient perseverance and prayer, “for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.” I believe this requirement is being met just by my commitment to my one cartoon a day project. No matter what, I make sure I get up and make that cartoon before I start the day, and God is with me for the sincere effort.

These three bullets, combined with my goal to win paradise by being a good person in general as described by God in scripture, puts me in the optimal state for receiving a spiritual breakthrough. Make no mistake… the phenomenon known as the UDJAT Wisdom Eye of Heru is absolutely a Sign of Allah. Therefore, if one holds hope of achieving an authentic third eye experience (or repeating it), one must be minimally purified according to the criterion of the One God of Abraham, the all-powerful Supreme Creator of reality. I believe my own sincere efforts, especially within the last year or so, to adhere to God’s minimal requirements for the believer are what enabled me to achieve the state favorable for the coveted third eye experience, this being far more powerful than the mechanical techniques of ‘correct meditation.’ This understanding aligns to the truth of God’s core message to humankind in scripture regarding that which the Lord our God wants us to take away from our spiritual study.

According to Clesson Harvey’s research, the first 2 or 3 third eye experiences will guide you in a specific direction, with subsequent experiences enabling you to explore the unseen realms through the Wisdom Eye within a more self-directed, quasi-independent state. It is in my best interest—as I do indeed hold hope that the Wisdom Eye will open for me again—that I maintain this optimal state for it to do so. Indeed, since the rewards and punishments of God are merit based on a tiered system, I obviously need to try even harder in my spiritual walk and work to do more than the base minimal requirement as a believer.

Basically this wonderful, initiating third eye event happened in order to assure me that I was on the right path, and I must continue and even strive for better if I wish to have another. The technique of correct meditation then is but a communication tool and although I do plan to continue my quest to personally build up that skill (I'm very motivated now! hahaha) , I understand that it is the righteous behavior of the believer in good standing with God that is the true way towards having that amazing, supernatural experience.


Very respectfully,

M. Rasheed
Cartoonist | Socio-Political Commentator | Graphic Novel Serialist | Shemesu Heru
Second Sight Graphix

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With my award-winning Monsters 101 graphic novel series behind me, this year I've been chipping away at a new big project.  In partnership with the original rights holder, the estate of Warren Murphy, I'm creating ten new original graphic novels featuring his characters Remo Williams & Chiun, Master of Sinanju.  TALES OF SINANJU: The Destroyer, published exclusively by my company Second Sight Graphix, is due for completion by Summer 2016. 

It's been very fun working on them... I've a great grip on the character personalities since the original Men's Adventure novel series was a big influence on me during my college years.  I made sure to add fan-favorite villains to the pot, and also 6 page short tales in the back of each book representing a sequential art 'Scrolls of Sinanju' excerpt of a famous past Master describing a key component of the Destroyer Mythos. 

I can't wait for you to read 'em!  :)  Make sure you check out the sneak peeks of the front covers.

Very respectfully,

M. Rasheed
Cartoonist | 
Socio-Political Commentator | Graphic Novel Serialist | Shemesu Heru
Second Sight Graphix

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Continuing my journey to have all 10 titles of my Monsters 101 graphic novel series done this year (2012).  I published Monsters 101, Book Seven: "Eye in the Sky" last week.  Today was the beginning of writing the thumbnail scripts for the remaining 3 titles.  This morning I wrote chapter one (of six) for Monsters 101, Book Eight: "Little Boy King" and feel pretty good.  Pumped.  

I had to change up my production method a bit from the way I was used to working; at first I would bring each individual 22 page chapter to completion from scratch, but that method would cause me to feel a sense of burn-out when I finished chapter six.  Now I've been writing out 3 titles at a time, pencil/letter half a chapter at a time until the whole title is done, then go back and ink the whole thing.  I pause after the second chapter to clean-up/scan the first two chapters, and then finish inking the last four chapters in a marathon.  For some reason this prevents me from feeling burnt out when I finish a title.  It may be because I've managed to adjust my mindset for the longer project.  Maybe.  I hope so.  

In any event I am still on schedule and feeling pretty good.  According to schedule, I'll be writing a chapter per day until the remaining 18 chapters are done on the morning of May 31, then I'll spend the rest of the summer (and probably a chunk of September) in art production, with a goal of being done with the series by October.

So far, so good.  :)

Very respectfully,

M. Rasheed, PMP®
Graphic Novel Serialist
Tales of Sinanju: The Destroyer & Monsters 101
Second Sight Graphix

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Third Eye FAQ by M. Rasheed by mrasheed, journal

Awakening the Atrophied Eye: The Wisdom Eye Return by mrasheed, journal

Awakening the Atrophied Eye: INITIATION by mrasheed, journal

Slaying the Monster by mrasheed, journal

Ducking the Ghost of STARDUST by mrasheed, journal